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Strawberry and banana smoothie bowl

Apr 6th 2023 · kitchenaid

Strawberry and banana smoothie bowl

As the weather warms up, what better way to start the day is there than this fruity flavour-filled breakfast bowl? Talk about the perfect healthy breakfast!
  • Makes

    2 servings

  • Prep Time

    5 minutes


  • 400g frozen strawberries
  • 400g frozen banana
  • 1 cup nut milk (coconut or almond milk)


  • 4-5 fresh strawberries, sliced
  • 1 fresh banana, sliced
  • 1 1/2 tbsp toasted coconut flakes
  • 1/2 tbsp chia seeds

Special equipment

  • KitchenAid® K400 blender


  1. Combine the frozen strawberries to the K400 KitchenAid blender along with half of the nut milk. Blitz a few times, stopping to scrap down the slides and stir in-between. Blitz further until it is a smooth slushy consistency. Transfer to a mixing bowl or jug.
  2. Add the frozen banana and remanding milk to the blender (no need to clean). Blitz until smooth. Add the blended strawberry mixture back into the blender and blitz to combine the two.
  3. Serve straight away in 2 bowls with freshly sliced strawberries, banana, toasted coconut flakes over the top and sprinkled chia seeds.


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