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  • May 29th 2024
  • 0 comment


  • 300mL thickened cream



  1. Place the whipping disc into the 9 cup food processor bowl and add the cream.
  2. Select speed 2 and whip for one minute, turn off and scrape the bowl, the cream should be at soft peak consistency. Repeat this step after another minute, and the cream should now be completely whipped and starting to separate.
  3. Continue to whip until the cream has completely separated and you have milk butter and solid butter.
  4. Drain off the milk butter and reserve, this can be used later for any recipe calling for buttermilk.
  5. Take the ball of butter and run under cold water, gently squeezing all the remaining butter milk out.
  6. Store in the fridge until ready to use, soften at room temperature for a few minutes before serving. The butter will last up to a week in the fridge.
  7. Try adding different flavors to your homemade butter. 
    • Thyme, parmesan cheese and salt 
    • Garlic and parsley 
    • Maple syrup and Cinnamon 
    • Vegemite