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  • Sep 24th 2019
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12 medium Desiree potatoes or your favourite waxy potato
2 tbs olive oil
30g butter, softened
freshly ground salt and black peppercorns
125g parmesan cheese, cut into long pieces
50g cheddar cheese, cut into a long piece
3 slices stale bread
thyme sprigs, for serving


Preheat the oven to 200C (180C fan forced). Cut each potato in half lengthwise. Lay flat on a chopping board and cut deep slashes along the length of each potato taking care not to cut all the way through the potato.

Place the potatoes, oil and butter into a large bowl and toss well. Season to taste. Place potatoes on a baking paper lined baking dish, rounded side up and in a single layer. Roast for 1 hour, basting with the juices.

Fit the food processor with the medium shredding disc.* Shred the parmesan, cheddar and bread through the small food chute on speed for 1. Lightly toss the mixture to combine.

Sprinkle carefully over the rounded top of each potato and bake a further 25 minutes or until very golden and crisp. Serve garnished with thyme.


  • Shredding discs vary model to model. If you have an ExactSliceâ„¢ model please use the reversible shredding disc, medium side up.
  • For best results, use a waxy potato or all purpose. Floury potatoes can be used but tend to fall apart.