Social Media Rules Of Engagement
Though KitchenAid Australia and Whirlpool Corporation does not monitor every social media posting, please understand that we reserve the right to remove links to outside sources, as well as postings and photos that:
- are derogatory, profane, hateful, harassing, threatening, or contain obscene language;
- violate another’s copyright or intellectual property;
- condones or promotes illegal activity;
- are fraudulent or deceptive;
- are sexual or offensive graphically or in tone;
- contain spam or are intended to cause technical disruptions to this page;
- are off topic; or
- violate any local, state, federal, and/or international laws or regulations.
Please note that KitchenAid Australia and Whirlpool Corporation does not endorse opinions expressed on our social pages not specifically posted by us. Additionally, KitchenAid Australia and Whirlpool Corporation are not responsible for the accuracy of the claims, information, advice or comments posted by fans and visitors to our social pages.
KitchenAid Australia and Whirlpool Corporation strongly encourage fans of our pages to respect fellow community members and to follow each social network's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Anyone repeatedly posting material that falls into the above categories will be removed and banned from participating in our social media pages.